The potential of Gen Z as an agent of change in optimizing MSMEs performance: a study on Anggode Coffee


  • Wiwik Maryati Mashudi Unipdu
  • Dina Eka Shofiana
  • Ida Masriani


Agent of change, Anggode coffee, financial digitalization, Gen Z


The digital era has made access to business management opportunities easier and faster. MSMEs are required to respond to this by implementing digital-based change management in their business activities, including the creative economy business Anggode Coffee. The problem that occurs in this cafe business is weak financial management which has an impact on the discontinuity of business management. This is because financial management is not carried out in a standardized manner because business activities have not utilized digital technology. In order to maintain business continuity, business actors have begun to shift from manual financial management to using digital finance. This was responded to positively by human resources in the cafe because they have also felt difficulties in financial management. This study aims to explore change management related to the potential of human resources at Anggode Coffee in optimizing MSME performance.

The research method uses qualitative with the subject of research being the owner and employees of Anggode coffee. The results of the study show that the performance of Anggode coffee has increased from previously using simple financial management that has not been standardized to now using digital finance. The average human resources of Anggode coffee are teenage workers called Gen Z. Of course, this makes them very familiar with technology and easy to use. It doesn't take long for them to adapt to digital finance, so that the performance of Anggode coffee's business also improves through the role of Gen Z as an agent of change. Therefore, the role of Gen Z human resources as an agent of change that determines business continuity, human resources recruitment should be taken from Gen Z. This is in accordance with the needs of the digital era that demands technological adaptation for MSMEs. This study examines the performance of MSMEs only in the financial aspect, therefore in further research, the role of Gen Z can be studied as a determinant of the performance of marketing and production aspects.


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How to Cite

Mashudi, W. M., Shofiana, D. E., & Ida Masriani. (2024). The potential of Gen Z as an agent of change in optimizing MSMEs performance: a study on Anggode Coffee. International Management Conference and Progressive Papers, 2(1), 63–68. Retrieved from