The influence of work environment, motivation, communication, job stress and work discipline on performance mediated by job satisfaction in rebana craftsman SMEs in bungah village Gresik Regency


  • Yunni Rusmawati DJ Universitas Islam Lamongan
  • Nurul Badriyah Universitas Islam Lamongan
  • Abid Muhtarom Universitas Islam Lamongan
  • Evi Fitrotun Najiah Universitas Islam Lamongan
  • Emalia Nova Sustyorini Universitas Islam Lamongan


Work Environment, Motivation, Communication, Work Stress, Work Decipline


This research aims to determine the direct influence of the work environment, motivation, communication, work stress and work discipline on performance mediated by job satisfaction in the SMEs of tambourine craftsmen in Bungah Village, Gresik Regency. This type of research is a quantitative approach with a sample size of 136 respondents using the method survey through distributing questionnaires as a data collection method. The method used to analyze is SEM with tools Smart PLS version 3.0. The test used is testouter model,inner model, and mediation test. The research results show that work environment variables (X1), and work discipline (X5) have a significant positive effect on performance (Y), work stress variables (X4) have a positive but not significant effect on performance while motivation (X2) and communication variables (X3) have a negative effect and do not significant to performance (Y).It can also be concluded that variable motivation (X2) and work discipline (X5) have a significant positive effect on job satisfaction (Z), work environment variables (X1) have a positive but not significant effect on job satisfaction (Z) while communication variables (X3) and work stress (X4) negative and insignificant effect on job satisfaction (Z). The relationship between the variable job satisfaction (Z) and performance (Y) has a significant positive effect. In the mediation test, the variables motivation (X2) and work discipline (X5) on performance were said to be mediated by job satisfaction Full Mediation.




How to Cite

Rusmawati DJ, Y., Badriyah, N., Muhtarom, A., Fitrotun Najiah, E., & Nova Sustyorini, E. . (2023). The influence of work environment, motivation, communication, job stress and work discipline on performance mediated by job satisfaction in rebana craftsman SMEs in bungah village Gresik Regency. International Management Conference and Progressive Papers, 1, 429–435. Retrieved from


