About the Journal

Proceeding of International Joint Conference on UNESA (PICJU) provides unlimited opportunities for academics, students, postgraduate students, researchers, and practitioners to share knowledge, exchange ideas, collaborate, and present research findings in the multidiscipline field. We invite Indonesian and international academics, scientists, teachers, and students to present the recent data at the upcoming PICJU. PICJU consists of the international conference on UNESA such as:

  • ICEI

The aim of the PICJU

  1. to disseminate and discuss recent research findings in the multidiscipline field
  2. to encourage the participant to launch collaborative research projects


Focus & Scope

PICJU is an all-science, open-access proceeding that is part of the International Joint Conference on UNESA. Any paper reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, that adheres to accepted ethical and scientific publishing standards, will be considered for publication. Our growing team of dedicated section editors, along with our in-house team, handle your paper and manage the publication process end-to-end, giving your research the editorial support it deserves.


Publication Frequency

Proceeding of International Joint Conference on UNESA (PIJCU), is a peer-reviewed Univeristas Negeri Surabaya managed and published by Univeristas Negeri Surabaya and can work with other publishers to improve the quality of education. PIJCU is published regularly two times a year, start year since 2023 (November and May), with a minimum number of 5 articles to be published in each issue.