The Website Design Content Management Based on Visual Communication Design at SMK Negeri 3 Batu
Website, Design content, Design Communication visualAbstract
A well-designed school website not only represents the institution's brand, but also plays an important role in providing relevant information to various stakeholders such as students, parents, teachers and the wider community. The website serves as a hub for announcements, events, curriculum details, and contact information, increasing accessibility and fostering engagement. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a website School websites serve as an important digital platform for communication, information sharing and community engagement. To ensure a smooth user experience and efficient administration, it is important for schools to implement an effective content management system (CMS) for their website..SMK Negeri 3 Kota Batu is one of the high school institutions that utilize the website as one of the information centers for the community. However, in its use, several problems are still found such as the lack of news content updates, video content that is partially truncated, there is a counseling page but has no content, reducing the comfort level of the user experience. well-designed school website and discuss the benefits of using a powerful CMS to manage its content.
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