Repositioning Digital Media as a Representation of Academic Ideas within a Scientific Thinking Framework (Linguistic Perspective)
Reposition, Digital Media, Representation, Academic Ideas, Linguistic PerspectiveAbstract
The appearance of digital media as a result of the development of communication and information technology makes a wide range of impact on the joint of life, specifically regarding the aspects of practicability, speed, and accuracy. The academic world which is more identical with scientific elements has an urgency in the appearance of digital media. Aside from being able to help in the aspects of practicability and accuracy in carrying out the academic process, digital media can also be used as a source and object of scientific study, through various sub-disciplines, one of which is linguistics that sets language as an object of study. The use and meaning of language in digital media are not only formed and determined by linguistic elements and their linguistic rules, but also determined by elements of context behind language occurrence digital media. Therefore, languages in digital media can be oriented as objects study which studied through various perspectives of sub-fields of linguistic.
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