Rigid Body Motion: The End Effector of 4-DoF Robot Motion Analysed by Denavit Hartenberg Method
Rigid Body, Denavit Hartenberg, Robot Motion, Transformation matrixAbstract
Rigid body motion is consist of two kinds motion which are rotational and translational motion, as an example is a robot kinematic motion. Robot forward kinematics refers to its final position (end effector), which combines rotational and translational motion along its trajectory. This research is a theoretical physics study that aims to analyze the end effector of a robot arm with four degrees of freedom (4-DoF) using the Denavit Hartenberg (DH) method and visualize the motion by using Simulink (DH-parameters) in MATLAB. This research was carried out through manual analysis and visualization of the equations obtained. This research provides the transformation matrix as a forward kinematics equation and visualize the motion by MATLAB.
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