The Role of Islamic Financial Literacy and Parental Financial Socialization toward Islamic Financial Planning among Generation Z


  • Nurul Hasanah Politeknik Negeri Jakarta
  • Dede Abdul Fatah
  • Jiwa Ning Ayu Ramadhani
  • Rizka Maulina Zulkarnain
  • Putra Rizqi Dwi Saepullah


Islamic Financial Literacy, Parental Financial Socialization, Islamic Financial Planning


The research is motivated by the phenomenon where Generation Z as generation that dominates Indonesian society does not have adequate financial planning. This is characterized by the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) lifestyle which encourages Generation Z to spend money following existing trends and is not accompanied by good financial planning, many even involved online loans and bad credit. In Sharia Economic principles, it is important to avoid speculative behavior only driven by the desire to follow booming economic trends or opportunities. In line with the majority of people in Indonesia being Muslim, Generation Z must consider Sharia principles in carrying out financial planning to achieve sustainable financial stability. For this reason, the research aims to analyze the factors that influence Generation Z's Islamic financial planning. The method used is SEM-PLS with the variables studied being Islamic financial literacy and parental financial socialization. The research results show that sharia financial literacy and parental financial socialization have a significant role for generation Z in carrying out financial planning based on a sharia perspective..The research focus only covers Generation Z in Jabodetabek. The results of this research can be used as consideration for the policymakers, financial planners, and other related professionals in determining appropriate strategies and policies to encourage the realization of sustainable financial stability for Generation Z. This is part of efforts to create a society without poverty, which is one of the targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).





