Pengaruh Peningkatan Penguasaan Teknologi terhadap Efektifitas Strategi Pemasaran Digital BUMDes Mesem Guyu Sewulan


  • Sita Wardania Putri Universitas Negeri Surabaya


digital marketing strategy, technology, socila media


BUMDes Mesem Guyu Sewulan operates to accommodate MSMEs in Sewulan Village. The MSMEs owned vary from food products, batik crafts, carvings and others. The existence of this BUMDes is expected to help MSME actors increase their sales. To achieve this goal, it can be done by utilizing current technological developments. Propositions through social media have been made, but have not produced a significant increase. Sales are still mostly obtained conventionally. This happens because the use of technology in general has not been done, social media and the content created have not been used optimally, so steps need to be taken to improve it. Digital marketing training and the use of social media were carried out in this study to improve the technological knowledge of BUMDes staff. While the effectiveness of the digital marketing strategy is measured by the increase in sales. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques in the form of direct observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of this study indicate an increase in sales at BUMDes Mesem Guyu Sewulan so that it can be conclude that increasing mastery of technology can increase the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies.





