Analisis SWOT Untuk Mengetahui Kelayakan Bisnis Ditinjau Dari Aspek Pemasaran Pada Wisata Petik Jambu (Studi Kasus BUMDes Kebaron Di Sidoarjo)
Kata Kunci:
BUMDes, Business Eligibility, Guava Picking Tour, Marketing, SWOT Analysis.Abstrak
In this day and age, MSME competition is becoming increasingly fierce due to the increasing number of MSMEs that continue to grow and increasingly sophisticated technology. Of course, MSMEs are required to be able to continue to innovate in order to compete in improving their business feasibility, especially from the aspect of marketing their products or services. To be able to increase business feasibility from the marketing aspect, the first step that must be taken by MSMEs is to make a SWOT analysis. By conducting a SWOT analysis, MSMEs can find out whether the products or services marketed can be said to meet business feasibility standards. This is done by identifying and assessing internal and external factors that affect MSMEs. The method used in this study is a descriptive method, the purpose of this descriptive research is to describe the findings of the research based on the analyzed data, explain the results of the description of the research that has been found based on the data, and validate the truth and accuracy of the findings. Regarding the products and services marketed, namely tourism, guava and processed guava are classified as feasible when viewed from a marketing aspect. This is because based on the tourism factors offered are well managed, guava products and processed guava products have been processed with a quality management system.