The The effect of work environment on employee performance through organizational commitment in employees
WORK ENVIRONMENT, EMPLOYEE PEFROMANCE, organizational commitment, positive, significantAbstract
Palang District, Tuban Regency has great potential in the development of the siwalan processing industry because there are many siwalan trees in this area. Almost all parts of the siwalan tree are used by the surrounding community to be sold such as wood, leaves, water and fruit which have very high economic value, but there is one part that is wasted and produces waste, namely the skin of the siwalan fruit itself, the processing of which has not been optimal so that it produces waste on a large scale, siwalan skin which is waste can be optimized for use in various crafts that can increase income and of course have a good impact on the environment. This study analyzes the market potential and value chain of processed siwalan fruit skin products. Through literature studies, market surveys, and interviews with industry players and suppliers of siwalan fruit, it is hoped that it can identify siwalan skin derivative products that have high market demand. In addition, this study will also map the value chain of these products from waste collection to distribution of the final product so that a sustainable business model can be designed that can increase community income.
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